Monday, August 26, 2013

Begin Again

Another school year is upon us, and as all the boys have had their birthdays now, they are all even ages, odd grades.

Rex, age 10, heads off to Greenways, the intermediate school. This means we no longer have a child in elementary school! Jinkies!
Bowen, age 12, heads off to the big kid world of junior high at Westover Park. This will be a nice departure from riding the bus since it is just down the street.
Corbin, age 14, is transitioning from big man on campus to little fish in a big pond as a freshman at Randall High School.
Drake, age 16, is our only kid returning to the same school this year. As a junior with a license he is all kinds of dangerous as he drives to school now! Look out!
Here is to the start of another school year. Good luck, Martin boys!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

First Time

This kid got to pass the sacrament for the first time today. Proud parent moment.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Bowen is 12!

I am certain that time is speeding up! My cute little sweet Bowen has turned into a lanky handsome young man! 12 years old! How did that happen?

I seem to be saying that a lot lately.

His birthday fell on a Saturday this year, and he said he wanted to go to West Texas A&M University to the rec center. We brought along his best friend David with our family and headed down to Canyon, just south of Amarillo. The kids had a great time doing their favorite activities. They have a cool indoor pool with a waterslide, racquetball courts and basketball. We hardly saw Bowen the whole time we were there. He is too big to be  watched over.

He is 12 now you know.

He and David were off having an independent wonderful time. Rex and Drake hung out in the pool while Corbin challenged Theo and I to a game of basketball. We settled for horse. My kids are getting old, so I am sure that means I am getting old too. Eventually, we all ended up in the pool.

After WT, we came home and had dinner and of course, cake and presents. In keeping with the theme of Bowen being grown up and big and independent and all that, he got a cell phone. It was all he really wanted.

Bowen also received  the traditional 12 year old gift from Grandpa Ross, a treasure box. Grandpa has made one of these for all of the Ross grandsons as a special place to keep the things that are most precious to them. It is a treasure!

Happy birthday to our young man, Bowen!