Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thanksgiving "Break"

The Junior Olympics preparation put a major crimp in any travel plans we may have had for Thanksgiving this year. In order to participate in the nationals in December, our boys would have to run qualifiers in November. On the good side of that, they were close to home. On the bad side, we would be at home with too much free time on our hands. I think I have mentioned before the issues I have with taking on too many things from time to time.
Behold the builder's grade oak cabinets of our bathroom. Sturdy. Roomy. Certainly sufficient for our needs. Not the most attractive things you have ever seen, but functional. (Sorry if the pictures are sub-standard. Photography is not one of my hobbies. You get the idea at least.)

Feast your eyes on the still functional, yet even less attractive tub and shower. I know the shower is bordering on gross. I swear the stupid white tile no longer gets white anymore. Furthermore, the shower photo is even less revealing because of the small cave-like configuration. Anyone sense where this is going?

Let me digress and just tell you how much I enjoy Pinterest. If you are not on Pinterest, avoid it if you can. It can be addictive. It sucks your time. You may experience feeling of inadequacy from time to time. And it may lead to renovations you really don't have the time or money for!
That said...

Staining of cabinets commenced. Tile was busted out. Walls came down. The ceiling went up. All kinds of chaos ensued.

After much blood, sweat and maybe even some tears, I give you the new and improved master bathroom.....


In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I literally give thanks for my wonderful husband every single day! He is such a hard worker and such a talented man. Thanks, Theo for putting up with my remodeling schemes.