Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bitter Sweet Sixteen

Today my husband and I have been married for sixteen years! SWEET! The bitter part of that is the fact that this is also our first anniversary that we have spent apart. I have not been looking forward to this separation since we knew it was going to be a reality a few months ago. My husband and I are one of those couples that really enjoy being together, not in a weird co-dependant way, but in a way that we like each other more than anyone else. So even though this will totally embarrass him (see #11) , I jotted down 16 things that I love about this manly man.
1.       He makes me laugh every single day. Seriously, he is funny. It is still a surprise to me that we laugh so much because we actually have really different senses of humor.
2.       He listens to Hair Nation on the XM radio.
3.       He is a crazy hard worker.
4.       He is a Superdad, not like super duper, but think superhero! (See my post on the backpacking trip.)
5.       He lets me do my thing, from deciding to go back to school for my master’s degree, to changing my hair color, to going to lunch with my girlfriends, he is always Mr. Casual. Supportive, but casual.
6.       He is extremely forgiving and tolerant of my sometimes neurotic tendencies.
7.       He puts up with my dog.
8.       He always gets me Cookie Crisp cereal every year for my birthday breakfast.
9.       He can flip a pizza in the air.
10.   He honors his priesthood.
11.   He is humble, sometimes to a fault. Getting the guy to tell you much of anything about some of his seriously amazing accomplishments is like being on an archaeological dig.
12.   He thinks I am cute, even after birthing four kids, go figure.
13.   He always remembers anniversaries and stuff like that.
14.   We grew up together.
15.   He is ultra-respectful to his parents.
16.   He is all mine!
I have loved this guy since I was just 16 years old. Okay, maybe for a long time, it was more the puppy-love, high school crush kind of thing. I have been so blessed that it matured into the real thing. We have had a fantastic 16 years. I can’t wait to see what the next 16 have in store for us.
Love you sha-honey! Happy Anniversary!

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